If you are exposed to very high levels of air pollutants, you may experience irritation of the eyes , nose and throat , wheezing , coughing and breathing problems and have a greater risk of heart attacks. Air pollution can also exacerbate existing lung and heart conditions, like asthma. Noise pollution can cause stress , anxiety , headaches , irritability , hearing loss , and sleep loss resulting in decreased productivity.
Oil drills, submarines, and other vessels on and in the ocean can cause excessive noise that has resulted in the injury or death of marine animals,. The best-known troubles to us are respiratory , in the form of allergies , asthma , irritation of the eyes and nasal passages , or other forms of respiratory infections. Essentially, these gases form a veil around the planet which holds heat in, increasing the overall temperature of the planet. The rise in planetary temperature, or global warming , is not immediately noticeable. Others include headaches , nausea , and allergic reactions.
Short-term air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease , lung cancer , heart disease , and even damage to the brain, nerves , liver , or kidneys. Continual exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or complicate medical conditions in the elderly. Some of adverse effects of water pollution are as follows: Water pollution adversely affects the health and life of man, animals and plants alike.
Polluted water is also harmful for agriculture as it adversely affects the crops and the soil fertility. Plastics can be made of a selection of many different chemicals to improve its properties, to prevent degradation in the environment when exposed to light, humidity , temperature or microorganisms, to make it more or less flexible, to lessen flammability or to color it. Pollution of sea water damages the oceanic life. There are a number of effects of this: Biomagnification describes situations where toxins. Carbon dioxide emissions cause ocean acidification, the ongoing decrease in the pH.
The emission of greenhouse gases leads to global warming which affects ecosystems in many ways. According to environmentalists and researchers, light pollution causes visibility disruptions and nuisance especially from glares and the spillover effects which may lead to human health problems. Light pollution also changes the natural illumination at night by brightening the skies and leads to the disruption of the ecosystem. The ill - effects of noise pollution on our health are plenty. It is also the major cause of numerous diseases or disorders.
The quality of human life thus gets disrupted. The lives of children, adolescents, and adults become miserable due to noise pollution. This water soluble vitamin is present throughout our body and it scavenges free radicals. Vitamin C also contributes to vitamin E regeneration. In this infographic you can know how it affects human beings.
One of the most serious effects of certain pollutants is to slow down the rate at which oxygen is passed from the alveoli into the blood stream. This puts an additional loa not only on the lungs, but also on the heart. Seawater is full of dissolved oxygen, however decomposing sewage.
Toxic chemicals make our oceans more acidic. Small pieces of plastic and other litter are increasingly being found in. One mask stopped of the particle pollution while others offered almost no protection.
The tightness of fit was crucial. Facial hair prevents a good seal and the fit also depends on the shape of the user’s face. Nitrous oxide contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer, which shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Collectively, these harmful chemicals are known to cause the following severe health problems: cancer, endometriosis, neurological damage, endocrine disruption, birth defects and child developmental disorders, reproductive damage, immune damage, asthma, and multiple organ damage.
The effects of car pollution are widesprea affecting air, soil and water quality.
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