In other words “code re means the same thing in Los Angeles as it does in Raleigh, NC or Washington, D. Each color corresponds to a different level of health concern. For example, the color orange means that conditions are unhealthy for sensitive groups, while red means that conditions may be unhealthy for everyone. An AQI reading of 1corresponds to a level that is above the national air quality standard—the higher the AQI rating, the greater the health impact. The AQI is divided into color-coded categories, and each category is identified by a simple informative descriptor. For the Charlotte area, ground-level ozone usually has the highest AQI during the summer months and particulate matter usually has the highest AQI during the remainder of the year.
What do the colors mean? When the AQI Color Code is GREEN or YELLOW , the air quality is considered acceptable and is not expected to have widespread health impacts. The descriptors are intended to convey information to the public about how air quality relates to public health. Ozone (O ) AQI scale.
Air Quality Index Scale and Color Legend. AQI : Good (- 50) Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. An air quality index ( AQI ) is used by government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become.
Public health risks increase as the AQI rises. Different countries have their own air quality indices, corresponding to different national air quality standards. Each day the AQI is one of these colors.
The colors tell you how healthy the air is to breathe that day. Green is the best air quality. It provides simple information on local air quality, the health concerns for different levels of air pollution, and how you can protect your health when pollutants reach unhealthy levels. Think of the AQI as a yardstick that runs from to 500. The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern.

For example, an AQI value of represents good air quality with little potential to affect public health, while an AQI value over 3represents hazardous air quality. Plot daily AQI values for a specific location and time period. Each square or “tile” represents one day of the year and is color-coded based on the AQI level for that day. Information from the KAIRE Network We often hear a lot about the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.
This kind of ozone protects us from harmful radiation. The AQI focuses on the health effects that can happen within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air. It uses colors , numbers (from to 500) and words to describe the air.
The AQI uses colors , and numbers, and words to tell about the air. As the AQI increases, an increasingly large percentage of the population is likely to experience increasingly severe adverse health effects. Your AQI report must contain: The reporting area(s), The reporting perio The critical pollutant, The AQI , The category descriptor an if reported in a color format, the associated color. Based on the measurements, air quality is then categorized according to health risk ranging from good to hazardous, with four stages in between. Each stage is assigned a color.
Because the AQI is a national index, the values and colors used to show local air quality and the associated level of health concern are. AQI categories: Use For this AQI.
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