How to reduce pollution sources? How does light pollution increase air pollution? Is it possible to control pollution? Serious Effects of Pollution 1. Environment Degradation.

The environment is the first casualty for the increase in pollution. The decrease in quality of air leads to several respiratory problems. The emission of greenhouse gases particularly COis leading. Increasing environmental pollution (GMT 10) Globally, levels of air pollution and releases of nutrients from agriculture and wastewater remain high, causing acidification and eutrophication in ecosystems, and losses in agricultural yield. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollution leads to more frequent and intense heat waves that increase mortality, especially among the poor and elderly.
Other climate change public health concerns raised in the scientific literature include anticipated increases in ground-level ozone pollution the potential for enhanced spread of some waterborne and pest-related diseases and evidence for increased production or dispersion of airborne allergens. It leads to major chronic diseases and to people ultimately dying,” she said. THE POLLUTION IS INCREASING ON A LARGE SCALE BECAUSE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: Pollution from cars, trucks, and other vehicles is and has been our major environmental pollution. Fossil fuel emissions from power plants which burn coal as fuel contributed heavily,.
A considerable amount of this waste eventually ends up in the oceans. Fortunately, the pollution from oil has been decreasing in recent years. It began since industrial revolution, increasing day by day and causing irreparable damage to Mother Earth.
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. So more people have a larger demand for goods and services, increasing the total emissions, but the emissions per capita decrease due to urbanization. However, some emissions have a larger impact than others. The monetized damage value of emissions, which represents the impact of pollution , grows as the city grows.
Just as people have caused an increase in air pollution , so too can they mitigate its effects. While climate change is a global process, it has very local impacts that can profoundly affect communities, not the least of which is air pollution. Increasing temperatures are directly linked to poor air quality which, in turn, can affect the heart and exacerbate cardiovascular disease.
For example, higher temperatures, in particular, will increase smog pollution , Kinney sai in part because smog contains ozone particles, which form faster at higher temperatures. One result of the rapid increase of motor vehicles was air pollution , especially in cities, that had serious impacts on public health and the environment. Production and consumption activities occurring in our built environments often lead to increased pollution in our built and natural environments. This section identifies some of the lan air and water pollution issues that can be associated with the built environment. Experts warn that pollution levels in the Marmara Sea are rising and urge authorities to encourage efficient use of water treatment facilities.

Though Istanbul municipality recently scrapped plans for an advanced biological wastewater treatment plant, pollution in the sea near the city and several industrial hubs necessitates more and better treatment facilities, according to experts. The other factors of vehicular pollution in the urban areas are 2-stroke engines, poor fuel quality, old vehicles, inadequate maintenance, congested traffic, poor road condition and old automotive technologies and traffic management system. In India, the number of vehicles increased from 0. An increasing population and rapid economic growth, as well as lax environmental oversight, have increased water demand and pollution.
Consumption by agriculture, forestry, husbandry,.
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