Why is air pollution a threat to human life? Is cancer caused by air pollution? Ironically, we are affected by the man-made air pollution we cause. What are the negative effects of air pollution?
If you breathe ozone, you are likely to suffer throat and lung irritation. If you have asthma, you may find your attacks come more frequent and more intense. The effects of air pollution on human health A major study links pollution in cities with deaths of elderly and sick people on a daily basis. In this infographic you can know how it affects human beings.
Air pollution creates an imbalance that can be potentially harmful to people. Those who are young, ol or have weakened immune systems are at particular risk for the effects of air pollution on human health. The long-term effects of air pollution on humans can last for a lifetime and can even lead to death. Ozone layer depletion, global warming and climate change: Exposing ourselves to. The immediate effects of air pollution are hard to ignore.
Watery eyes, coughing and difficulty breathing are acute and common reactions. An estimated percent of the world’s population live in areas with dangerous levels of air pollution an e ven at seemingly imperceptible levels, air pollution can increase one’s risk of cardiovascular. It causes lung disease and other respiratory problems.
On numerous occasions, there is a proven huge connection between human health and air pollution, especially about premature deaths in many developing countries and even the developed world. It has a number of different emission sources, but motor vehicles and industrial processes contribute the major part of air pollution. Air Pollution Effects Breathing polluted air puts you at a higher risk for asthma and other respiratory diseases. Air pollutants are mostly carcinogens and living in a polluted area can put people at risk. The most obvious effects are on our breathing: increasing the risk of asthma attacks and inflammation of the lungs.
In relation to the air , there are different kinds of pollution that occur indoors as opposed to outdoors and vice versus. Find Effects Of Air Pollution In Humans on DownloadSearch. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Depletion of ozone layer.
Global warming (green hourse effect). Serious ailments produced by certain. Jump to media player Fine particles in the air have been linked to cancer, strokes, asthma, heart disease and possibly dementia. If you are exposed to very high levels of air pollutants, you may experience irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, wheezing, coughing and breathing problems and have a greater risk of heart attacks. The Clean Air Act authorizes the U. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect public health by regulating the emissions of these harmful air pollutants.

The main change in the atmospheric composition is primarily due to. Human health effects of air pollution 1. Humans enter in contact with different air pollutants primarily.
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