What causes ozone alerts? How to reduce ground level ozone? In fact, ozone alert days (sometimes called ozone action days depending on where you live) are days when high heat and humidity cause unhealthy and unsafe levels of air pollution in the ozone layer. Pollution levels are monitored via the Air Quality Index, which was designed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) so that cities and states can measure and report levels of pollutants in our air. Repeated exposure may permanently scar lung tissue.

And not only humans are affected: ozone can also damage vegetation and crops. Advice is to remain indoors and limit physical activity. However, when ozone is found near the earth’s surface it’s called ground-level ozone and it’s a harmful air pollutant.
You may also know ozone as “smog”. Ozone air treatment warnings : Ozone has been widely used as a disinfection method for more than 1years and has applications ranging from hospital disinfection to water treatment. However if ozone treatments are not properly matched to the application the can be both ineffective and potentially harmful. Inhaling ozone can cause coughing, shortness of breath , worse asthma or bronchitis symptoms , and irritation and damage to airways. You can reduce your exposure to ozone pollution by checking air quality where you live.

Program is about ozone at ground-level - unhealthy to breathe, outdoor air pollution. An Action Day for fine particulates, carbon monoxide or ozone indicates that either current air quality is unhealthy or conditions are expected to worsen later in the day or on the next day. Action Days for air pollutants generally indicate that air quality will be in either the Unhealthy or Unhealthy-for-Sensitive-Groups categories according to the Air Quality Index. Ozone in the air we breathe can harm our health, especially on hot sunny days when ozone can reach unhealthy levels. Ozone is a powerful oxidant that can irritate the airways.
Even relatively low levels of ozone can cause health effects. Breathing in ground-level ozone can be harmful to your health. How can ozone affect my health?
If you have asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema, ozone can make your symptoms worse. Carefully follow your asthma management plan on days when ozone levels are high. At this level, it is a harmful air pollutant. The Mid-America Regional Council advises the following behavioral changes on Ozone Alert Days: Cut back on or reschedule strenuous outside activities. Combine errands and put off less-necessary trips for a cooler day,.
Simply filling your vehicle with gasoline can. Ozone (O3) is a gas molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. Often called smog, ozone is harmful to breathe. Ozone aggressively attacks lung tissue by reacting chemically with it. When ozone is present, there are other harmful pollutants created by the same processes that make ozone.
DEQ makes daily Air Quality Index (AQI) forecasts for the OKC, Tulsa, and Lawton MSA based on weather conditions and pollutant data from Air Quality Division monitors. Ozone Health Advisories are more likely to be issued throughout the summer during periods of hot and sunny weather when outdoor ozone levels are highest. In general, ozone levels are higher on hot, sunny summer days especially during episodes of stagnant air.
Daily ozone levels can be influenced by local weather events,. For ozone this includes: children and adults who are active outdoors, and people with lung disease, such as asthma. For particle pollution this includes: people with heart or lung disease, older adults and children.

Occasionally, an action day is declared when the AQI is Moderate, or Code Yellow,. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has issued an Ozone Action Day for the Houston, Galveston, and Brazoria areas for Sunday September 8. Atmospheric conditions are expected to be favorable for producing high levels of ozone pollution in the Houston, Galveston and surrounding areas on Sunday.
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