Monday, May 21, 2018

Major air pollutants

What are some types of major air pollutants? How are pollutants affecting US and our air? This chart names some common pollutants, their sources, and their effect on the environment. EPA calls these pollutants “criteria” air pollutants because it sets NAAQS for them based on the criteria, which are characterizations of the latest scientific information regarding their effects on health or welfare. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2).

Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2). Carbon Monoxide (CO): Carbon Monoxide is a highly toxic and dangerous pollutant,. Decreases lung function and causes respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, and also makes asthma and other lung diseases get worse. Long term effects of particle matter air pollution includes chronic respiratory disease , heart disease and lung cancer.

Ozone (O3): Ozone is not inherently bad. It can also cause damage to the brain, liver , kidneys and nervous system. Being exposed continually to air pollution affects the lungs of children at a faster rate and also is very damaging to the elderly.

Major air pollutants

Their size ranges from 0. Mobile sources include motor vehicles, marine vessels, and aircraft. Controlled burn practices in agriculture and forest management. The latter two pollutants provided little information in predicting health effects and were removed from the AQHI formulation. Clean Air Act helped the level of this pollutant decrease significantly in US. Dust: Dust is also considered as a pollutant of the air.

Natural Gas: Among the air pollutants list, natural gases will be one. Crackers: Burning of crackers is yet another type of air pollution that is prevalent. Cigarette Smoking: The next type of air. As such, the traditional practice of wood and charcoal burning is usually a chief contributor to indoor air pollution in developing nations. This can be due to leaching from waste disposal, increased human activity or industrial accidents.

Today, pollution levels in many areas of the United States exceed national air quality standards for at least one of the six common pollutants : Although levels of particle pollution and ground-level ozone pollution are substantially lower. For unhealthy peak levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen. EPA is required to control 1hazardous air pollutants. ADVERTISEMENTS: Read this article to learn about the types, sources, effects and control of air pollution ! Air pollution is a change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristic of air that causes adverse effects on humans and other organisms.

The AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours or days after breathing polluted air. Three million people choke on coal dust in the evenings, children in the area suffer lead poisoning, while locals have increasing rates of bronchitis, pneumonia and lung cancer. Pollutant: nitrogen dioxide (NO ). When an eruption occurs, it produces tremendous amounts of sulfuric, chlorine, and ash products, which are released into the atmosphere and can be picked up by winds to be dispersed over large areas.

Major air pollutants

Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Air pollution in India is a serious issue, ranking higher than smoking, high blood pressure, child and maternal malnutrition, and risk factors for diabetes.

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