If you are writing an essay for your exams or preparing a speech for any occasion like Earth Day, Environment Day or even for your annual function, these points will help you to write an exceptional essay and inspiring speech which will have an instant impact on the minds of the audience. Increasing industrialization and reducing water sources has made the issue of water pollution worse. Around 9million people across the globe do not have any access to clean and safe water. When the environment is contaminate it is called pollution. Pollution is a big environmental problem.
The major types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. At the start, we have given simple lines for lkg,ukg kids. Then we have given lines on pollution in English for class students. Both of the other so far are excellent.
I thought I would provide you something you could write about. Factories, office buildings, homes and power-generating stations burn fossil fuels, which cause air pollution. Sometimes people think of air pollution as entirely man-made. In fact, natural processes release lots of substances into the air that are classed as pollution. Sulfur dioxide is a major modern air pollutant, and according to National Geographic, volcanoes can release enough sulfur dioxide into the air to influence global cooling.
Realizing reducing air pollution as an individual effort rather than a community effort would be a good start for the control of air pollution. In other words, air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence or introduction of a substance which has a poisonous effect. Harmful and toxic gases emitted by the industries and motor vehicles causing huge damage to the living organisms whether plants, animals or human beings. About this video - Dosto Aaj Ki Is Video Me Maine Aapko lines essay on pollution in English Ke bare Me Batai Hu Agar ye video.
There are five kinds of pollution : water pollution , air pollution , noise pollution , soil pollution and thermal pollution. But two more also added that are nuclear and visual pollution. As pollution grows, ways to combat it have grown. Solar energy and wind energy give people clean ways to power their homes. Clean air is a basic requirement for a healthy living.
We can protect us from many diseases that are caused only due to polluted air. There are many sources of air pollution and many of them can be controlled with little efforts. Here are few essential ways that will help to prevent air , water and land pollution. Prevention of air pollution : i. Using smokeless sources of energy like smokeless stoves, which use biogas, solar energy, etc.
As such, humans have a responsibility to fix it as well. We should all act now to end air pollution and thus to make the world a happier and healthier place for both humans and animals. Also read: Ways to reduce and control air pollution. If you want to go green, the electric vehicles can be a good option rather than the gasoline fueled vehicles. The chances of having percent more of air pollution can be seen when the industries produce heavy crude oil.

Minimize air pollution from cars. Road transportation is one of the biggest emitters of nitrogen oxides. To contribute to collective learning, here is a quick list of top facts about air pollution.
Air pollution is made up of chemicals, particulates, and biological materials.
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