Free Shipping on Orders Over $49! Find Sofas, Tables, TV Stands Here! Browse by Room or Ask an Expert! An integrated maintenance button lets you know when the filter should be cleaned. Read our review to find out more.

Also boasts an excellent feature-set including filter service check, digital controls and speed settings. If you suffer from allergies or respiratory issues, then an air purifier may be the perfect addition to your home – keeping the air clean and making it far more breathable. We are glad that our product is living up tp your expectations. Our customer care specialists are available from Mondays- Fridays, am-pm, EST.
It ironically is one of the two that uses a “ TRUE HEPA ” air filter. I believe this is where they should be starting their line of products off at and move up from here but have not invested much time or money on it. Months For Optimal Performance. BreatheSmart 75i With Code SLEEP.

It does have negative ions as well. Ships from and sold by Amazon. HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA -type filters range in percentage of particles that they remove and particle size that they capture.
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