Wednesday, April 26, 2017



To improve air quality, UNECE member States have been working successfully to reduce air pollution in the region through the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Eight protocols identify specific measures to be taken by Parties to cut their emissions. This allows new data to be written to the tape. Under its framework, the Gothenburg Protocol was adopted with a view to define binding quantitative reduction targets for various pollutants.


The UNECE region covers more than million km and is home of about world population. Aimed initially at reducing the effects of acid rain through control of the emissions of sulphur, its scope was later widened to include nitrogen pollutants, volatile organic compounds and photochemical oxidants. The Convention which has Parties was the first international.

Technical guidance to prepare national emission inventories. The Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (TF HTAP) is an international scientific cooperative effort to improve the understanding of the intercontinental transport of air pollution across the Northern Hemisphere. Looking for online definition of CLRTX or what CLRTX stands for?


Welcome to ICP Forests A programme aiming at a comprehensive compilation of information on the condition of forests in Europe and beyond. What are remaining problems? Emission inventories in Europe Supporting policy implementation Martin Adams. Head: Air pollution, Transport and Noise group. TFRN related presentations and other documents.

The spreadsheet of ammonia abatement costs as calculated by the GAINS model has been updated in the past few months - this document (version 2b) is now available in the TFRN-section, for download. This process has included a scientific assessment report – Towards Cleaner Air. The future policy directions are discussed within a Policy Response Group, which recently presented its recommendations for future policy.

Compound о and other major a. Julio Lumbreras is a chemical and environmental engineer. Finland reports annually air pollutant emissions to the Secretariat of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution ( CLRTAP ) and to the European Environment Agency EEA. The focus lies on the methods and assumptions used for the German emission reporting. The CROS Portal is dedicated to the collaboration between researchers and Official Statisticians in Europe and beyond.

The report is intended to underpin the technical review of the emission data as reported under the CLRTAP convention and its protocol. Thus, the outline of this report follows the recommendations of the CLRTAP emission reporting guidelines. Both submissions are fully aligned in format, timing and content. CLRTAP has over the last two years assessed its progress and is presently discussing priorities for the coming years. The Change Backup Options (CHGBCKUP ) command allows the user to change the options in one of the predefined backups.

Legislația națională în domeniul CLRTAP : Legislație națională. CLRTAP stands for Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution. If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution in English language. Within the CLRTAP context, regime-induced im­provement in the knowledge of the interplay of pollutants and their effects has paved the way for a new, broader and a potentially more integrative decision-making approach. Thir adopting a comparative perspective, when directly comparing the emission ceilings in the CLRTAP Protocol and the.

Geneva, - - Compilation of statements by the EU and its Member States - 1. Agenda item 1: Adoption of the agenda The EU and its Member States agree to the agenda as proposed. The UN has agreed air pollution limits, which have been set out in the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution ( CLRTAP ). Data Policy for Near-Real-Time Data Data delivery on a near-real-time (NRT) schedule is a WMO-GAW pilot project. Near-real-time aerosol data are raw, automatically processed data that have not passed through any review by aerosol scientists.

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