Friday, December 9, 2016

Pollution and health

What health problems may be caused by air pollution? Which pollution will have the greatest effect on human health? In some instances, outdoor air pollution can make its way indoors by way of open windows, doors, ventilation, etc. How does air quality affect health? Over the past years, researchers have unearthed a wide array of health effects which are believed to be associated with air pollution exposure.

Pollution and health

A number of air pollutants, coming out of a variety of industrial processes, impact the health of California residents. Air monitoring shows that over percent of Californians breathe unhealthy levels of one or more air pollutants during some part of the year. Air pollution is one of the world’s largest killers, responsible for 6. This is more than the number of deaths from AIDS, Malaria and tuberculosis combined. The World Health Organization estimates that billion children live.

Ambient (outdoor air pollution ) is a major cause of death and disease globally. The health effects range from increased hospital admissions and emergency room visits, to increased risk of premature death. Even healthy people can experience health impacts from polluted air including respiratory irritation or breathing difficulties during exercise or outdoor activities. Your actual risk of adverse effects depends on your current health status, the pollutant type and concentration, and the length of your exposure to the polluted air.

Pollution and health

In the World Health Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on air pollution and health, calling for the integration of health concerns into national, regional and local air pollution-related policies. The Journal of Health and Pollution (JHP) is a quarterly on-line journal of peer reviewed research and news published by Pure Earth (formerly Blacksmith Institute). JHP is grant funded by the World Bank and the European Union.

Particle Pollution and Your Health (PDF) (pp, 3K, About PDF): Learn who is at risk from exposure to particle pollution , what health effects you may experience as a result of particle exposure, and simple measures you can take to reduce your risk. A major study on urban pollution carried out in 6cities worldwide has confirmed the fear that air pollution impacts on human health in the short term and is directly linked to the deaths of elderly people and those already suffering from illness on a daily basis. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA continues to work with state, local and tribal governments, other federal agencies, and stakeholders to reduce air pollution and the damage that it causes.

Learn about what causes air pollution and how to help reduce the effects. The effects of air pollution wreck havoc on human health and our planet as a whole. How to keep dirty air from hurting your lungs, heart, and brain. Indoor smoke is an ongoing health threat to the billion people who cook and heat. While air pollution ’s link to respiratory disease may seem obvious, its relationship to heart, brain and fetal health is less so.

There are at least two possible mechanisms by which air pollution can harm parts of the body besides the nasal cavity and lungs, said Anthony Gerber, a pulmonologist at National Jewish Health in Denver. To end neglect of pollution and advance prevention of pollution -related disease, we formed the Lancet Commission. It is time to put pollution on the map. Watch a short video about air quality changes, and learn what communities can do to prepare.

Pollution and health

The nation has achieved significant reductions in air pollution thanks to the dedicated efforts of the many people who have worked to create, implement, and advocate for healthy air protections, especially those under the Clean Air Act. The Air Quality Health Index or AQHI is a federal program jointly coordinated by Health Canada and Environment Canada. However, the AQHI program would not be possible. Ideally, regulators would like to eliminate all pollution and its risks, but this is usually not a realistic expectation.

Regulators must address the most important risks and decrease them to the level at which they believe the risks are smaller than the benefits of the activity causing the pollution. Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK, as long-term exposure to air pollution can cause chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory. Pollution is the leading cause of death around the globe, said Fuller, president of the international nonprofit Pure Earth and co-chair of the seminal Lancet Commission report on pollution and health.

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