The Clean Air Act identifies two types of national ambient air quality standards. Menu of Control Measures for NAAQS Implementation. See the history of limits to the level of carbon monoxide. The table includes FR citations for each revision to.

This includes both primary and secondary standards. The MCM is a living document that can be updated with newly available or more current data as it becomes available. SO = sulfur dioxide (2) Units of measure are in parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb).
National standards (other than ozone, particulate matter, and those based on annual arithmetic mean) are not to be exceeded more than once a year. Periodically, the standards are reviewed and may be revised. Who air quality standards? The current standards are listed below.

How to test the air quality in your home? What is unhealthy air quality? For other NAAQS nonattainment areas, see EPA’s Green Book. NAAQS Statutory Requirements do not directly limit emissions.
Rather, NAAQS ration-based standards for ambient (outdoor) pollution. Under the CAA, Congress mandated that EPA establish two types of NAAQS for each criteria. While NAAQS which have been revoked by the EPA do not appear in this table , some anti-backsliding obligations may continue to apply for revoked standards. For example, a 3-year average 98th percentile concentration of 35. CFR part Appendix N).

For additional information see the PM-2. Table of Historical Pb NAAQS. National Ambient Air Quality Standards ( NAAQS ) - Attainment Status. Click on the name to read the factsheet. Thus, the CAAQS predate the national ambient air quality standards ( NAAQS ) set by the U. Using PATS Methodology and Corresponding.
California law continues to mandate CAAQS, although attainment of the NAAQS has precedence over attainment of the CAAQS due to federal penalties for. Model Clearinghouse Review of Modeling Procedures for Demonstrating Compliance with PM 2. EPA Modeling Memos and Guidance. This proposal also addresses the timing of attainment dates for each classification.
The following tables provide information on six air pollutants, classified as “ criteria air pollutants ” by the U. Environmental Protection Agency. The first table describes each pollutant, including its sources and effects. The potential receptors included in this assessment are shown in Figure B. To demonstrate compliance with the NAAQS , Knauf conducted an air quality analysis for these pollutants.
Note that since there is no NAAQS standard for PM, modeling of this pollutant was not required. In addition, links to the MPCA Air Dispersion Modeling website are included throughout the Manual.
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