What are three negative effeacts of ground level ozone? Why is the ozone a problem at ground level? What is the formula for ground level ozone?
Stratospheric ozone is “good” because it protects living things from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Called stratospheric ozone , good ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere, where it forms a protective layer that shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Ozone can be good or ba depending on where it is found.
Ground-level ozone is an irritant and can negatively affect human health and welfare. Weather plays a substantial role in formation of ground level ozone. It from photochemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NO x) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight.
High levels typically occur from May to September, between noon and early evening. Due to its dependence on weather conditions, ozone is typically a summertime pollutant and a chief component of summertime smog. It is called a secondary pollutant because it is produced when two primary pollutants react in sunlight and stagnant air. These two primary pollutants are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In larger cities, the level of ozone exceeds the national standard several times a year.
The highest levels are found most often in Sydney and Melbourne, but Brisbane and Perth can also experience high levels. While some Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are naturally occurring (biogenic), most are man-made (anthropogenic). Although the same molecule, ground level ozone can be harmful to our health unlike stratospheric ozone that protects the earth from excess UV radiation. Ozone pollution is a concern during the summer months because strong sunlight and hot weather result in harmful ozone concentrations in the air we breathe. At ground level , ozone is a harmful pollutant.

Many urban and suburban areas throughout the United States have high levels of bad ozone. Ozone is least concentrated in the ground layer (or planetary boundary layer) of the troposphere. Its concentration increases as height above sea level increases, with a maximum concentration at the tropopause.
Ozone at ground level is a harmful air pollutant. Ground level ozone is not emitted directly into the air, but is created in the air itself. Ozone forms on hot sunny days when pollution from cars, power plants, consumer products and other sources react with sunlight. Health Effects of Ground Level Ozone.
Ozone in the air we breathe can harm our health. Ground - level ozone forms when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react with each other in sunlight and hot temperatures. This pollution comes from vehicles, industry, and other sources and contributes to smog formation. Ozone levels used to exceed national standards in the Seattle and Vancouver areas.
Ground - Level Ozone Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms that can be either beneficial or harmful depending on where it forms: Good Ozone. In the United States alone, ozone is responsible for an estimated $5million in reduced crop production each year. The ozone at ground level is primarily from fossil fuel precursors, but methane is a natural precursor, and the very low natural background level of ozone at ground level is considered safe.

This section examines the health impacts of fossil fuel burning, which raises ground level ozone far above background levels.
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