What is the biggest pollution problem? Why is pollution a big problem? What are the problems caused by air pollution? Environment Degradation. The environment is the first casualty for the increase in pollution.
The decrease in quality of air leads to several respiratory problems. The emission of greenhouse gases particularly COis leading. In addition, EPA enforces federal regulations to reduce the impact of businesses on the environment. The major forms of pollution are listed below along with the particular contaminant relevant to each of theAir pollution : the release of chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere.
Electromagnetic pollution : the overabundance of electromagnetic radiation in their non-ionizing. Pollutants in the air can end up in natural water supplies that humans use for drinking, which can result in water that is toxic and unhealthy for humans to consume. Point source pollution comes from a particular place such as industrial and sewage treatment plants. Learn about the issues , global solutions, and what you can do in your community. Indoor air pollution , which arises from a variety of causes, also can cause health problems.
For more information on indoor air pollution , which is not regulated under the Clean Air Act, see EPA’s indoor air web site.